Tuesday 17 January 2012

Metamaterials: Technologies and Global Markets

Thsi report estimates global market for metamaterials was worth $222.3 million in 2010 and $256.1 million in 2011.  BCC expects the market to grow to $758.7 million by 2016, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.3% since 2011, and to reach nearly $1.9 billion by 2021, a CAGR of 19.6% between 2016 and 2021.
  • The Electromagnetic segment of the market was estimated to be worth $140 million in 2010 and $160.6 million in 2011.  BCC expects the market to grow to $412.2 million by 2016, a CAGR of 20.7% since 2011, and to reach nearly $1.2 billion by 2021, a CAGR of 23.5% between 2016 and 2021.
  • The extreme-parameter and other segments were collectively estimated to be worth $82.3 million in 2010 and $95.5 million in 2011.  BCC expects the market to grow to $346.5 million by 2016, a CAGR of 29.4% since 2011, and to reach nearly $630 million by 2021, a CAGR of 12.7% between 2016 and 2021.

Metamaterials Market & Technologies Report

Published: January 2012
No. of Pages: 150
This report is intended specifically for marketing executives, entrepreneurs, investors, venture capitalists, and other readers who need to know where the emerging metamaterials market is headed over the next 5 to 10 years.  The information is organized around specific technologies, but it is largely non-technical in nature and coverage.  Therefore, it is less concerned with theory and jargon, and more concerned with products that work, the amount of a particular product the market is likely to purchase, and the price consumers are willing to pay. 
The report has not been written specifically for scientists and technologists, but its findings concerning the market for their work, including the availability of government and corporate research funding for different technologies and applications, should be of interest to them as well.
This report addresses the emerging global market for metamaterials, including the following classes.  The common thread uniting this diverse group of materials is that they are all artificial materials with characteristics usually not found in nature, and they owe these characteristics to their structure rather than to their constituent element or elements.
  • Artificial dielectrics
  • Negative refraction media
  • Active terahertz (THz) materials (i.e., metamaterials that respond magnetically to far-infrared or THz electromagnetic radiation)
  • Chiral materials
  • Photonic crystals
  • Superconducting metamaterials
  • Extreme-parameter metamaterials (i.e., metamaterials whose internal structure has been modified or engineered on a molecular or nanoscale level to impart extraordinary strength, flexibility, or other characteristics)
  • Acoustic metamaterials
The study format includes the following major elements:
  • Executive summary
  • Definitions
  • General properties of metamaterials
  • Historical milestones in the development of metamaterials
  • Emerging and developmental metamaterials technologies and applications that demonstrate the greatest commercial potential through 2021
  • Detailed market estimates and projections for each application and material during the period from 2011 to 2016
  • General assessment of expected market trends in the longer term (i.e., 2016–2021)
  • Patent analysis
Projecting the market for emerging technologies whose commercial potential has not yet been proven is a challenging task.  This is most true in the metamaterials field, which may help to explain why many analysts focus on supply-side technology assessments. 
BCC’s objective in this report is to provide not just a technology assessment, but also an initial commercial assessment of the potential market for metamaterials.  To accomplish this objective, BCC used a multiphase approach to identify the metamaterials with the greatest commercial potential and then quantified the related markets.
In the first phase of the analysis, BCC identified a long list of metamaterials technologies and applications, including those that are still under development.  In the second phase, BCC used a literature review and interviews with industry sources to eliminate those metamaterials applications that appear to have little likelihood of making it into commercial use in the next 5 to 10 years.  This second-phase research resulted in a short list of metamaterials with the greatest commercial potential over the time period covered by this report.
The third phase focused on quantifying the potential market for each short-listed metamaterial by application and identifying the main prerequisites for commercial success.  This phase actually had two sub-phases: 1) development of near- to mid-term (2011 to 2016) projections, and 2) development of longer-term (2017 to 2021) projections.  The development of such long-term projections is a departure from the usual BCC report format, but this is necessary due to the long time frame for commercialization of many of the technologies analyzed in this report.  Obviously, the projections for the years beyond 2016 are more tentative than those for 2011 to 2016. 
The specific assumptions and approach BCC used to develop the projections, both near/mid-term and long-term, for each metamaterial and application are documented in detail under the various segments addressed.  This way, readers may see how the market estimates were developed and, if they so desire, test the impact on the final numbers of changing the underlying assumptions.
One of BCC’s specific approaches deserves special mention here.  BCC used the sales performance of a non-metamaterial application that has some of the same functions or shares other characteristics with the metamaterials application as a benchmark for assessing the latter’s sales potential. This is especially relevant for metamaterials applications currently under development.
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